Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Meltin' Mel

A GPK of mine that dates back to summer or spring 2013 in concept. This drawing here is from October 11th 2014. His names may be Meltin' Mel, Over-heated Hank. I'm debating how melted his face should be, I like this version where his face has just begun to melt, and you can see his GPK face well.

Here's another imagining of the concept, from early September 2013.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Wheat-pasted Will

a new GPK of mine, Wheat-pasted Will/Street Art. He's two-dimensional and made of paper, and he's been wheat-pasted to a wall in the city. I'll make his two-dimensionedness more clear in my finished piece. Also in the finished piece he will be spaced according to GPK card front parameters: with room above him for a GPK banner and extra space below his name bar taken out.