Wednesday, January 10, 2018

January 10th

                                                This one is titled, "Early Construction of Sexual Architecture". For the coming of spring.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Dec 18th

                                                     Colored/finished a drawing I did back in early 2015. Title: "The Hunter and the Bird". The initial light pencil version can be seen among my early 2015 posts. I like this one more, but the pencil version has some nice qualities as well.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Dec 12th

                                              New work. Title: "The Desert Bloom". May leave it in pencil.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Nov 10th

                                              This one's titled, "Little Hungry Animals". Colored and finished. The little bunny rabbit wants a radish, a beet or a carrot, he can't eat that tangerine, which is not really next to him anyway. The little cat wants some milk. The piece of toast with jam on it he can't eat. The two birds finally found some seeds, but they're looking with sympathy and sadness at the hungry cat and rabbit, and they're hungry too. The birds can't eat the toast because it's not really there next to them. Or it could be that the cat is not really next to the birds, and the birds are looking out across the street.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Nov. 6th

                                                     This one is titled, "Walking Around High". He's pretty high.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Nov 1st

                                              This one is titled "Run". I've posted this one before, but I prefer this new photograph, because here I've taken the sheet out of the sketchbook and photographed it on its own.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Oct. 26th

                                                     Suddenly through the streets of the city comes --- The Cattarowl-gah! 😮 💨 Cat, because its face and body are reminiscent of a cat, Rowl !, because that's one of the sounds it makes, Owl because its face also looks like an owl, and Gah because "Gaah!!" is what people often exclaim when they see the size of the creature, and its sabre - teeth and crab-pincered tentacles. Now it prowls the streets in search of who knows what (probably its next meal)...  This is a small piece, 6.5 inches by about 5.8 inches.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sept 19th

                                                     This one is, "Paper Clip Man". My own idea, I've never seen a paper clip man done by someone else on Instagram or anywhere else.