Monday, October 26, 2015

Composition book selections

Two more selections from a composition book that I began in 2003. These two drawings are from 2015, began them a few months ago. The pencil lines are lighter in the bottom drawing, but I think it can be clearly seen that that's a little twister twisting up dust, leaves and papers on the outskirts of a city somewhere. I could've included a cat or a person or something else getting caught in it, but I decided it's better without that for now.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Oct. 12th

                                              this guy has some similarities to a GPK, but it's not supposed to be a GPK, but if someone wants to consider it a GPK, feel free. A big part of enjoying this drawing is wondering ~ why is his head smoking? Mental issues? Something going on out there in the city?

Monday, September 14, 2015

City birds

City birds....This drawing is an update of one I drew in 2014. This bird is not supposed to look too realistic, but instead cartoony and suggestive.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Orange bird in the city



Friday, August 7, 2015

Cat drawings, 2

A mild week in August

If in Los Angeles the month of August often had two or three weeks of mild temperatures, imagine that. I imagine how great that would be, instead of having to deal at this time of year in L.A. with so many hot days, often a week of straight hot days, too hot to walk till evening's cool falls over the streets. But every now and then there is a full week of mild August temps in L.A., not sure though how often two weeks of mild temps at this time of year happens in this city. But one week happens more often. Starting today until Thursday of the coming week, they are forecasting almost one full week of mild August temps. They are right about today at least, I think the temps were mild enough at noon to take a long walk. Now at 2:10 pm out in the sun it feels a bit hotter than it did two hours ago, but it may still be mild enough for a good walk even during this hour. I'm actually in my backyard as I type this on my phone, enjoying a cool breeze in the shade. I hope they are right about the forecast this week. I'm going to go out in a bit, maybe in less than an hour from now.