Thursday, June 27, 2013

Assorted GPK drawings

These are some assorted Garbage Pail Kid drawings of mine, all drawn before I drew most of the GPK concepts that I sent to Topps beginning in mid or late March 2012. A lot of these are from 2011, all except the Conte chalk drawing (with Sepia brown chalk) are from a sketchbook that I was using back then. For many of these (including the chalk drawing which I drew in a few minutes) I used no reference, while for some I used some reference, but all poses and faces are original.

The drawing from a sketchbook showing a GPK whose vomit has brought the dog some treats will be turned into a full GPK concept of mine and I'll post that most likely in June, maybe even today if I have it finished. In the concept drawing the GPK will be vomiting into a dog food bowl, bones coming out etc. with the little dogs ready to munch. I have a lot more various assorted GPK drawings which I'll post soon.

1 comment:

  1. The drawing from a sketchbook of mine showing a GPK whose vomit has brought the dog some treats will be turned into a full GPK concept of mine and I'll post that most likely in June, maybe even today if I have it finished. In the concept drawing the GPK will be vomiting into a dog food bowl, bones coming out etc. with the little dogs ready to munch.
